Jurek (Georges) Furtak â retired gangster raised in Legnica. At the age of four, when he came with his father from French Guinea, he was probably the only black person in the eighty-thousand town. His entire childhood he was bullied and humiliated, by his draconian father at home and by his colleagues at school. The turbulent start quickly led to conflicts with the law. Jurek was incarcerated in juvies and then prisons, where he spent many years, including for the manslaughter of his friend.
In the 80s and 90s, he became heavily involved in the criminal underworld, stealing luxury cars and moving them east with the support of Russian soldiers stationed in Legnica. At the same time, he was also one of the first breakdancers in Poland.
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Przez Piotr Kanikowski / 23/05/2024 / No Comments
- Publikowany: 291 dni temu dnia 23/05/2024
- Przez: Piotr Kanikowski
- Ostatnio modyfikowany: Maj 23, 2024 @ 7:36 pm
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