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Battle near Liegnitz 1241 / Merian

Przez   /   08/04/2021  /   No Comments

Battle near Liegnitz 1241 / Merian

Battle near Liegnitz (Wahlstatt) on 9th April 1241 (The Mongols under Orda defeat the Polish-German knights’ army under Duke Henry II. of Silesia).-”Great defeat of the Christians, which they suffered from the Tatars”.-Copper engraving b.Matthäus Merian t.Eld. From: J.L.Gottfried, Historische Chronica, 1630, p.583; later coloured.

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  • Publikowany: 1200 dni temu dnia 08/04/2021
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  • Ostatnio modyfikowany: Kwiecień 8, 2021 @ 2:51 pm
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